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Makrimalis (=Long hair man) is a village with 231 residents at an altitude of 170m. worth visiting the Monastery of Our Lady, which has religious relics, although it has burned three times by fire, the last time the Germans. On the road from searching in Kontodespoti, is the Monastery of Our Lady Gorgoepikoos known for its miraculous image, which listens and helps quickly. The monastery was built in 1965 after a vision he saw the Mother Taxiarcheia that at this point is the image of the Virgin, which was found later, digging for the foundations of the church. Three miles northwest of looking at pine region, is the Monastery of John the Kalivitis. The church is the middle Byzantine period (9th-12th century) with a few paintings. These monasteries have accommodations for the accommodation of pilgrims.   Source: City Messapion
Makrymalli, Evia
Makrimali, Evia
Makrimali, Evia
Saint John the Russian, Makrimalli
Monastery Long hair
Playground in the community Long hair


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