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Archaeological Site of Archampolis


The archaeological site of the ruins Archampolis organized residential complex, including houses, workshops mining, roads and fortifications. The ancient remains found in various places in the nearby ravine or Charchampolis Archampolis in the Kafireas.   In a rocky conical swelling, the "citadel" over the coast and at a distance of 1.5 mm revealed a settlement buildings, roads and metallurgical laboratories. The citadel was protected by fortifications. In another plateau dimensions 15 x 20 m, located approximately 100 m behind the ravine at a height of 11 meters from the level of the river (which flows through the ravine), was a monumental edifice. Made of large boulders on the rock resembles the so-called "Dragon House" of Evia. In the classical period the building was used probably as a place of worship. Elements such as a depositor, a sacrificial pit and megalithic construction, and the presence of fissure in the rock floor, leading to this conclusion. In the 4th-3rd century. BC added to the building and other facilities that might have a single set of residential and cottage belonged to a particular mining activity.   In a flat opposite the former came to light the foundations of other buildings with interior partitions, and tanks. The buildings were used in two phases and the walls were founded on the bedrock. Constructed in the late Hellenistic period and continued to be used in Roman times. This settlement should be abandoned violence, as shown by the finding of a skeleton on the ground, not related to the tomb and the discovery of scattered human bones in a tank inside.   Few finds were uncovered during excavations. The pottery was very poor, but found coins of Karystos and Evian Confederacy, as well as a utilitarian open a lead dish. The dating of the few findings provided the time limits of the residential complex from the 5th to the 1st century. BC Nevertheless there are indications that there was to be an archaic phase, which has not yet been discovered or has been destroyed in antiquity. One of the surface finds in the "citadel" was part of a pithos inscribed with the chariot race scene probably sixth century BC



In the Kafireas the northwest of Karystos Evia, between the villages and Thymios Annunciation is the ravine or Charchampolis Archampolis, an impressive but rugged landscape. In ancient relics were visible large, probably constituted a single and organized residential complex, which is dated from the classical period until the first century. BC, though little evidence suggesting that the first settlement dates back to the Archaic period.   The history of this settlement and the name is not known. From these findings suggest that during the classical period part of the architectural relics belonging to a place of worship. In the 4th-3rd century. BC in place an organized group of buildings, a farmhouse with a particular mining activity. This conclusion is confirmed by finding a slope covered with iron slag, residue burning, and an iron furnace ekkaminefsis. Other buildings in the adjacent area is dated to the late Hellenistic period and are still used in Roman times. During the Roman period, unknown exactly when, it seems that the site was abandoned. The reason for abandonment is not known, but the existence of a dismembered skeleton and other bones thrown randomly inside a building leads to the assumption that the abandonment was violent, perhaps after a catastrophic earthquake or hostile invasion. From history we know that the area had been looted by the pirates and Mithridates in 80 BC   The building remains excavated in Archampoli was identified by the American archaeologist D. Keller in the ancient city Aiges mentioned by Homer. The same researcher in the publication before the start of excavation spoke of the caves in the ravine and the cult of Dionysus in them. In the region but the Kafireas reported by various sources of ancient cities and lazaretto, and a sacred cave. What should be investigated and clarified is whether the Archampoli was organized city or just a small settlement miners, who were stationed slaves and laborers.   Although travelers of the 19th century make references to the region and talk about an interesting and important area, but he remained unknown to most archaeologists. Visited the region in 1972, the Angel Choremis and almost 15 years later (1986) investigated the site and the American archaeologist D. Keller. Excavations began in 1989 under the auspices of the K Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, bringing to light important architectural features.


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Τ.Κ. 34100, Ευαγγελισμός, Περιοχή Κεφηρέα, χαράδρα Αρχάμπολης (Νομός Εύβοιας)

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