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Archaeological Site of Kalogerovrysi


In period 1 EH dating the oldest pottery finds in the area. There are known types, such as ribbon handles and processes, the psefdolaves, features lip triangular cross section and the thick red coat. A group of pottery came from the building dates to the 1 early in the season 2 EH. These shells with relatively clean and friable red clay bearing coating. The remainder of the Helladic pottery dating to the mature phase of the EH period 2 is unpainted and coarse porous pottery with clay and whitish color. Usually fall into deep pots with open lips and triangular cross section in closed bearing wide strap handles.   The habitation in Kalogerovrysi stops for unknown reasons in the late period of the EH 2 and the position remained uninhabited until the middle of the Middle Helladic period at least. The depopulation of the village for several centuries seem inexplicable if not connected to any significant change in political and economic conditions. Increased building activity we see is the end of the period, especially in the transitional period from the Late Middle Helladic period. In Kalogerovrysi a change in the economy should show strong construction activity and the abundance of pottery finds.   Two phases of the mature phase of the Middle Helladic I raised in, especially some damaged floors and walls. The building 7 rescues four rooms and was built on the 13 building dating to earliest Middle Helladic times. The other buildings in this area date from the Middle Helladic last phase. Among the Middle Helladic cist tombs found buildings from the same period, of which two were looted. Others though have not worked looted grave goods. The skeletons, well preserved, was always in a squat position. The presence of graves among buildings are not uncommon during the Middle Helladic period. Buildings relics of the Middle Helladic period found very little in II The only significant findings of this era was an intact jug and bowl and three bronzes. One is the tip tweezers with rounded corners and found a Middle Helladic grave. The other two, a tool (chisel) and a manual, found on layer in the Middle Helladic settlement.   The earliest Middle Helladic pottery (phase III) are the minyeia anggeia usually characterizing the early stages of the season. In Kalogerovrysi but gray minyeia dating a very advanced stage of the season over with and meet with a variety of unpainted pottery trolleys that have clean clay. Sporadic display shells flying blur decoration in black on a reddish surface. The newest Middle Helladic phase (phase IV) is represented by about the same wheeled vessels that are characteristic of the transition from Middle Helladic to the Mycenaean.   After the devastation of the settlement of the much discussed during Phase III-Late Middle Helladic I, believed that lasts from mid-17th to mid 16th century BC, among the buildings constructed a sizable built tomb of the early Mycenaean period, which unfortunately was plundered. This is without doubt a significant burial. Manufactured by large limestone slabs were laxefthei carefully. The dimensions of the tomb was 2,25 x 1,05 m During the excavation proved that he had been looted in the past, but the floor of the human skeleton found in a supine position with feet sheepishly. Next to the skeleton found spindle whorls and a button made of steatite and few sherds of early Mycenaean period (bases goblets and a few fragments of pottery). The tomb must have been constructed for some influential person at a time when the occupation had stopped on the hill, probably of Late J.
View of Middle Helladic buildings (Photo by the Ministry of Culture)
View of of building area 1 (Photo by the Ministry of Culture)
Plan of building area 1 (Photo by the Ministry of Culture)
Pottery of the Early Helladic phase 1 (section II) (Photo by the Ministry of Cul
Middle Helladic pottery (Phase III) (Photo by the Ministry of Culture)
Minyan Middle Helladic pottery from area 1 (Photo by the Ministry of Culture)



The Kalogerovrysi adjacent to single-track Card Armas and very close to the only source of the region from which it got the name of the place. The area is pine, but there are mountain slopes where they practiced limited agriculture. The prehistoric settlement has great size and occupies the top and south side of a low hill.   The excavation and survey the nearby Kalogerovrysi showed that it was a small residential center in the mountainous region of central Evia in the early and middle Bronze Age. It is obvious that this region does not favor the existence of large settlements due to limited capacity in the cultivation. The excavations began in 1984 and continued intermittently until 1991. Excavated in two areas most of the village who has very thin deposits over the top and on the south slope.   The Kalogerovrysi in EH 1 seems very sparsely inhabited, and the use of this site did not leave a building remains. In times of PO 2 are important building remains. This is a flourishing period in which the crowded residential Euboea presented with a total of around 100 seats. H Kalogerovrysi presented as a decentralized provincial character position, stockbreeding a camp that probably inhabited seasonally.
Average: 4 (5 votes)


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