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Kathenoi is a small mountain village in the foothills of Mount Dirfi. It belongs to the municipality Dirfion, in the prefecture of Evia. Located 8 km from the close and according to the census of 2001 has 637 residents.   Source: Wikipedia
Kathenoi municipality Dirfion
Έρια Καθενών-Εύβοια
Το ποτάμι στα Έρια Καθενών
Έρια Καθενών-Εύβοια
Kathenoi municipality Dirfion
Kathenoi municipality Dirfion
Kathenoi municipality Dirfion
Έρια Καθενών-Εύβοια
Έρια Καθενών-Εύβοια
Μονή Ερίων


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